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Contact Us

Logo of Arcade Creek Recreation & Park District with a tree, sun, river, and green hills.


4855 Hamilton Street Sacramento, CA 95841


Please share your comments, suggestions, praise, and concerns with ACRPD Staff. If you are interested in volunteering to help care for your parks, please contact us :-)

  • To report PARK RELATED matters please submit a response below.
    • Examples: down tree limbs, water leak or broken irrigation, broken signage or playground equipment, opinion sharing for or against an amenity, graffiti, etc.
  • To report NON-PARK matters use county links not the form below.
    • Examples: crimes, deceased animals, off-leash dogs, dog attacks, harassing park patrons, dumped debris, unhoused individuals, etc. Please utilize the county links. You may submit information here however if the concern is not within ACRPD's scope of work staff will redirect you to county resources. 
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